The third place at the International Economics Olympiad – Jan Pytela

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The third place at the International Economics Olympiad – Jan Pytela

Posted by: dev
Category: Uncategorized

Jan Pytela is a recent absolvent of Gymnázium Matyáše Lercha in Brno. He moved to Vienna after graduation, where he will be studying on economic university. Beside economy he is also interested in International relations.  He is a volunteer in Association for international questions („AMO”), within this association he organizes Prague student summit.  He found his love for economy thanks to Economics Olympiad… and what he likes the most about her? That thanks to her, everything suddenly makes sense 😊


How did you like today?

It was nice, there were a lot of interesting people from different countries, various program. Test seemed easy to me, but what I have found out afterwards is that It was not maybe that easy. Anyhow I enjoyed it and I think that all of us did.

Did you like the way of testing? Written test then oral test…?

Yes, I think It is faire that first we wrote the test that was the same for all of us and after that we had the questions, so everybody picked something even though he liked the question or not.

What does your participation in Economics Olympiad mean for you?

Sure, it is kind of a satisfaction to know that I am good in economy and the other thing is that I gained a lot of experiences. In the national round we got many great prices like interesting excursions to companies and the most important thing – I have met amazing people.

Can you tell us where were you able to get to thanks to the national round of Economics Olympiad?

I went to PwC, but unfortunately the excursion to Komerční banka did not happen because I was stuck in a traffic when I was supposed to come there. That is all I think, but I still have some unreceived prices so maybe I will be able to do more in the future.

Was testing in English hard for you?

No, I was a but afraid that I will be missing some words but fortunately I figured it out somehow.

Was your preparation for national round special in some way?

I read a summary of economy in English in order to learn the vocabulary.

What would you say to those students which are not sure about participating in Economics Olympiad?

To participate, it not hard at all and you can do it at school on a computer. After you will do this, you will know if it is worth to try again, even if it would not go well, I think that economy is fun and that this competition has a true meaning.

What are you going to study?

I am going to study economic and social sciences at the university Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien. After the first year I will decide which other science I will focus on.

Which part of economy do you like the most?

I like national economy, but I think that I will end up doing business informatics, because it more about the practice than the theory.

Where do you see yourself after school? Private sector of the public one?

I would like to work right after school…I chose a university where I can try a lot of things during my studies, so I hope I will find what I would like to do the most… I see myself in a private sector more, because for example the Czech public sector does not offer very good conditions.

Author: dev

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